Five times 25th anniversary with Himpe AG
Five employees of Himpe AG can proudly look back on a quarter of a century with Himpe AG.
25 years ago Jutta Hirsekorn (Technical Drafter), Dimitrios Delbederis (Head of Production Planning), Van-Thank Nguyen (Precision Mechanic), Manfred Romberg (Head of Sales) and Martin Thielcke (Head of Cutting Department) started their career with Himpe AG.
During the company Christmas party this year on the premises, the management board thanked these employees for their longterm comittment to the company involving their exceptional loyalty and trust. All employees also received a certificate of honor as well as a gift basket.
According to Udo Himpe, managing director, „For the company motivation, experience and know-how of those longterm employees is the cornerstone of our success. Therefore we are proud to be able to resort to such a strong team.“
Moreover, next year there will be a special service anniversary – 50 years of job tenure, which will also be celebrated duly.